Stourbridge Turning & Grinding Engineering uses EnviroRinse™ 201 to reduce component corrosion during storage, improving workplace safety and cleanliness.

As a multi-industry provider of full service, precision CNC machining solutions Stourbridge Turning & Grinding (STAG) specialises in the manufacture of complex precision components.

“STAG have now added EnviroRinse™ 201 to its standard wash and rinse procedure, applying this solution to every manufactured component.”

The Challenge

After using the MecWash Duo 400 aqueous cleaning system to wash and rinse finished components, STAG previously dipped parts in mineral oil post the clean and rinse process as a method of corrosion protection. Despite using the best aqueous cleaners, the company experienced a maximum corrosion protection of two weeks. In addition to this the residual oil layer made it difficult for workers to safely handle the components presenting a hazard in the workplace.

The Solution

STAG Director, Phil Pargeter, was frustrated by how the limitations of the existing cleaning chemicals impeded their ability to store finished precision components for long periods of time without the risk of corrosion.

After searching the market for a corrosion inhibitor giving protection greater than a few weeks, STAG began testing EnviroRinse™ 201. Once the team at STAG saw that EnviroRinse™ 201 had met all of its requirements, the solution was incorporated into the rinse stage of the MecWash Duo 400 aqueous cleaning and degreasing machine.

“Lake Engineering Solutions provided all documentation and helped immensely with all technical aspects of EnviroRinse™ 201 in which both parties collaborated to successfully implement within STAG” said Phil. “STAG have now added EnviroRinse™ 201 to its standard wash and rinse procedure, applying this solution to every manufactured component.”

The Benefits

  • Significant reductions in process and handling times as corrosion protection is now incorporated into STAG’s MecWash Duo 400 machine.
  • EnviroRinse™ 201 combined with VCI packaging has eradicated the use of Solvent based oil coatings.
  • The use of EnviroRinse™ 201 promotes a clean, safer working environment for employees as this method replaces the oil dipping and draining stages.
  • Parts now are both dry and oil free to the benefit of STAG’s customers as no long, aggressive wash cycles are required to clean the components.
  • Significant improvement in Quality Control with reduced rejects.